Worldwide Partners

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 18:19-20 ESV

The DeKryger Family

The Hospital of Hope serves the surrounding community and rejoices in the One that is establishing His Kingdom in the hearts of many that come to us from across West Africa. 


Jennifer and Andrew have a busy schedule with a lot of travel during their current furlough visiting family, friends, and supporters. Please pray for safety and the care for any important details along the way. May they enjoy the colder weather and colors here in the Midwest.

God continues to open doors for seeds of truth to be sown into the lives of the patients of the Hospital of Hope. Please pray for the team that currently remains on the ground. There is a skeleton crew that is working hard to make Jesus look good as they put in very long hours in the hospital.

William, Grant, and Luke continue their higher education in the United States.

Hospital of Hope

Josh and Sydney Smith

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Beautiful U Ministries

Beautiful U is passionately committed to serving our community and the surrounding Chicagoland area as a Christ-centered, "family-style" intervention program for single mothers. It is our desire to share the good news of God’s unconditional love with each mom as we provide the individualized physical, emotional and spiritual care and support that she needs in order to help her move into the next stage of her life while feeling loved, supported, confident and independent.

Beautiful U Ministries